Monday, October 15, 2012


Life in 2012 is a challenge for us all. Between work, family, and other activities we are all heavily scheduled and busy at all times. This of course can be good and productive for society and is as individuals. But being scheduled for the sake of appearances does some harm as well.

I have noticed a shortage of commitment in America lately. Lets look at the word. Commitment is defined as:
- noun
the act of committing.
the state of being committed.
the act of committing, pledging, or engaging oneself.
a pledge or promise; obligation: We have made a commitment to pay our bills on time.
engagement; involvement: They have a sincere commitment to religion.

I especially want to pay close attention to definition number 3.

It seems to me that too many people don't understand what commitment really means. It's been my experience that people give their commitment to any number of activities without full appreciating what that commitment will entail.

An example: My children play soccer.  They are each on a team - boys and girls. We have a weekly practice for each team and a 90 minute game (30 minute warmup & 6- minute game time).  To date we have failed to have a full commitment of all players at both practice and game for either team. Of course we are all busy and between work commutes, other kid activities, dinner, etc. these scheduled events are tough to make, but as parents you commit to your child to have them play soccer.

What are we subconsciously teaching our kids if we as adults so easily blow off a commitment?  How do you explain to a second grader that they loose games each week because they never show up to practice?  Commitment is not easy and should not be undertaken lightly.  This is a solid value that as adults we need to follow through on to impart this character building knowledge to our kids.

Commitment is not just for sports and children's activities.  It is also your word, your character and ability to be counted upon.  If a person commits to meeting a goal, then others should believe they will work diligently to achieve their stated goal.  Far too often adults commit to doing something and do not have the ability to follow through.

I am guilty of this as well. I often comment that I am a fringe folk.  By that I mean that I participate at the fringes of the group.  I am interested to a point, but not fully engaged enough to consider it a commitment.  One hope I have is that I convey to the people impacted that I intend to be a fringe participant and I do not overtly commit.

Sitting down writing this post, I have realized I have made a commitment to this blog.  To post regularly and write about topics I feel are worthwhile diversions of your time, and most especially, my time.

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